Friday, July 27, 2012

Home Aquarium ? Great Benefits Of Keeping Fish As Pets | More ...

Fishes have been reared in homes for the purpose of eating them. This practice is prevalent since 1800. Understandably, homes in coastal areas had easy access to a variety of fishes and home aquariums were quite popular in these areas. Nowadays, fishes are more of pets which are very lovingly looked after. Aquariums at homes carefully monitor the growth of fishes which provide entertainment to the people. Home aquariums are generally found in hospital rooms and in places like Nordstrom where small children have to be entertained while parents shop. Aquariums thus add a touch of colour and excitement in the life of a lot of people.

It is good for you if you could convince that kid of yours who is hankering after a puppy in the pet store to settle for fishes instead. This will save you a lot of time you would otherwise be spending on looking after cats, dogs and birds.Advantages of fish rearing include going out of town even for a week or more without having to worry too much. All you need to do is to ask one of your helpful neighbours to feed them once or twice. Thats about it. You do not have to run after fishes trying to give them a bath. Of course, you definitely need to clean your fish tank at least once a week but then, this effort is minimal as compared to looking after bigger pets. There is the cost factor to be considered. While a dog or a cat may require frequent visits to the vet for their tick medications, flea treatments and vaccinations, fishes are quite happy without visiting any vet. They do not demand any stuffed doll or other pet toys in order to be entertained as with the puppies and dogs.

Inspite of the fact that an aquarium would require much less attention from an adult, they are a pretty and yet, interesting addition to make your home look better!
Aquariums are one of the best entertainers when it comes to small kids and toddlers as well, but just be sure to keep your toddler away from the aquarium- you dont want anyone drowning, or any fish dying for that matter!
Children often are excited by the prospects of taking care of pets, and the child can be entrusted with doing small tasks in maintaining and taking care of the fish form time to time!You can get your kids to feed the fish, and this will not only give them a sense of responsibility, it will also make them feel important to themselves and generally around the house. Some extra help while cleaning the tank is also not a bad idea! A two year young kid can spend hours trying to talk to his little fish, or just draw and paint out pictures of them whenever he wants! Aquariums at you house could be exactly what you want for only the right reasons, if only you put some thought into how to use it effectively!

Not only that, aquariums could help your kids with colour understanding, memory issues and even math! Imagine naming all your fish, and asking you shild to differentiate between different fishes in terms of colour ,size and name!

In the midst of technology boom like the myriad cable channels and addictive video games, an aquarium is a refreshing and entertaining addition to any home. You will definitely feel the difference if only you would try substituting that television program with an hour of sitting in front of the aquarium. You may even start an interesting relationship with those fishes.

Abhishek Agarwal

Technorati Tags: Aquarium Fish, Coastal Areas, Easy Access, Entertainers, Fish As Pets, Fish Pets, Fish Tank, Fishes, Flea Treatments, Frequent Visits, Home Aquarium, Home Aquariums, Keeping Fish, Neighbours, Nordstrom, Pet Store, Pet Toys, Puppies, Small Kids, Tick


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