Thursday, November 10, 2011

It???s Official: There Are No Aliens (From Space) Among Us (ContributorNetwork)

In response to thousands of signatures petitioning the United States government to tell it like it is, the White House has finally issued a definitive answer on the subject of extra-terrestrial life on earth: E.T. isn't here, there isn't a plot to cover them up, and the government has no evidence that aliens have ever taken any particular interest in our piece of galactic real estate.

"The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth," notes the Official White House Response.

Facebook Users Largely Unimpressed

So what do Facebook users think? Is the White House being straight with the American people?

* "We, the U.S. Government, are unfortunately not that good at keeping secrets." -- Ryan Opel, Tampa, Fla.

* "I think we have enough terrestrial life...we don't need extra!" -- Alfred Colvill, Washington, D.C.

* "I would go on record and say yes. I do believe there has been contact. I have a pretty big interest in this ever since reading chariots of the gods." --Brett Day, Moore, Okla.

* "I believe absolutely not. There has not been contact. I've never seen any evidence, never mind convincing evidence. The stories of contact are all so obviously products of human concerns at the time (the cold war, etc). I think that extraterrestrials are unlikely to be any kind of creature we can relate to, won't be even vaguely humanoid, and probably won't be interested in a planet or species like ours." -- Erik Botsford, Brooklyn, N.Y.

* "I am not so sure the people who run the government are human..." -- Jacob Willard, Kansas City, Mo.

* "If humans are the most 'intelligent' life in the universe, the universe is indeed in trouble. For all the effort that has been taken to prove or disprove the question of ETs, I'm inclined to think that there is something/someone else 'out there'." -- Ruth Williams, Madison, Wis.

* "It may well be the only thing Obama is being transparent about." -- Melissa Grace, Buffalo, N.Y.

The More Things Change...

The White House really doesn't seem to have changed anyone's mind. The statement addressed the petitions of two petitions, both of which demanded the disclosure and admission of the presence of extra-terrestrial life on Earth and the government's communications with them.

The first of these petitions has more than 5,000 signatures and asked "for open Congressional hearings to allow the people to become aware of this subject through those whose voices have been silenced by unconstitutional secrecy oaths."

The second, from the Paradigm Research Group, collected more than 12,000 signatures. Both were created on September 22. Their appeal reached out to the administration: "With trust in government at all time lows, the Obama administration ran on a platform of openness and transparency. So far the administration has not been able to deliver on that promise. Disclosure would be a huge step toward regaining the public's trust."

In response, the Return to Paradigm Research Group issued a statement of their own: in a nutshell, baloney. They go so far to say, in fact, that they're drafting up a new petition. They want to keep the administration on notice -- they don't see the statement as either valid or official, and want answers, which they feel they've once again, been denied.

Apparently, no one's opinion has really changed much since the White House's big reveal. Believers feel, however, that the administration has added insult to injury by making the denial of alien life on earth official.

Pretty much everyone else thinks the same thing they always did: there are no extra-terrestrials among us, and the Men In Black are a myth outside the movie screens.

History has proven that no government is as powerful as the human desire to believe.


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